Friday, August 19, 2011

Why aren't the "unconstitutional" GOPers calling this unconstitutional thing "unconstitutional?

Because conservatives cherry-pick the Constitution when they can use it in their spin. Otherwise, they are not interested in the Constitution per se. Conservatives will take everything they can -- including going against their own purported principles -- to attack Government, President Obama, and the poor. They do what they are told and believe what their media tells them to believe. They are being used and they don't even realize it, nor do I believe many want to realize it. They get some kind of ego satisfaction from thinking they are right. I don't expect consistency from the Right. Rather, I expect them to find a pretend-fact to every fact or a spinned-fact to every fact. The good news is that they have opinion-makers (i.e. Fox News) that spoon feed them these talking points on a daily basis so they don't have to think of them on their own. Conservatives invent and perpetuate their own little fantasy World.

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