Friday, August 19, 2011

Better way to phrase this sentence?

That is already very good. You might consider inserting "is" in front of "not vital" and "harmful," but that is strictly a matter of style.

Why do a lot of you insist on using 'text' language on here?

Its frustrating and only makes your posts more difficult to read, it makes it look as if you cant spell. The English language is great, so many words to describe what we mean, this habit undermines your own intelligence or is it that education has 'dumbed down' so much a lot of you really cant spell? If you do have problems with spelling the site has a spellchecker, why don't you use it ?

Does the Singer Prelude 8280 Sewing Machine have a lock on it?

I just got a new sewing machine and I plugged it in and watched the dvd I got with it, but it doesn't seem to want to move. I push down on the peddle and it just runs doesn't move the needle at all. Is there a lock or something that I need to switch or ... something.. HELP

Can you actually feed a 4 mo. old baby to much?

My daughter-in-law feeds her 4mo. twins everytime they wake up, and sometimes they only sleep for an hour at a time during the day, and they are hugh, there faces are sooo fat, is this really good for them, plus she adds cereal to the bottles, they actually drink about 6 ounces at a time--help! Grandma worried

Why is there no evidence that osama bin laden died?

im really suspicious of osama bin laden's 'death'. first all of a sudden barack obama announces osama bin laden's death around the time when his popularity is waning, and the attention about his actual birth place. some say that this will make obama popular again and thats that. when saddam hussein died, he was captured live on tv hanging and the media were so quick to show the world, however with osama's death, it was announced he died randomly, buried at sea within 24 hours and DNA tests confirm 99.9% its osama. America made a huge mistake celebrating osama's death as this will anger Al Queda even more and may result in more terror attacks. there was a photo of hilary clinton and barack obama watching osama getting 'killed' but how do we know they are actually watching it? can we take their word for it?

How do I get an awful cheese smell out of my car? ?

I was taking a crock pot full of Rotel dip to a party, and a dog ran out in front of me and the crock pot spilled everywhere... I have tried EVERYTHING and my car still smells mildew and old cheese... what should I do?

Really positive lunch date with the ex, now what?

If it's still a long distance relationship, it's best to let it die. If you aren't living far apart anymore, you might try to make a move. Send her a note asking for help with 5 down on your crossword, and go from there.